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GreyGigz | Where Experience Lives

How it Works

Hire skilled service Providers for your job

1 Hirer Account

Set up your account with GreyGigz to begin searching for experienced service Providers

2 Search for Providers

Search by matching the skill, availability and rating to your need. Shortlist and select the best of them to do your job.

3 Do a Deal

Agree terms with your selected Provider, including fees, expenses and escrow draws. Agree job deliverables, location and timing.  Sign the GreyGigz contract.

4 Pay into Escrow

Greygigz holds the agreed fees in trust.  When the job is completed, the Provider receives the fees. 

5 Work Completed

Providers and Hirers sign off and rate each other.

6 Provider Paid

After sign-off, the Provider receives fees held in escrow.  If the Provider fails to do the job, fees are returned to the Hirer.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Is this site fully functional?

We are currently developing our app. Our site is currently passive and is designed to inform you about what we do. However, you can Post a job currently which we will aim to match manually. Besides, registering will also ensure that you are informed of each new feature we bring to life.

How to list and make your job posting attractive?

On the Post a Job form, we encourage you to be as descriptive as possible to help Providers understand your expectations. Writing a short headline is a quick and easy way to summarize your job posting. Add details such as the nature of work to be done, the expected date of completion or the expected duration of the task. Providing the indicative costs you are willing to pay helps Providers decide if they can work within your budget.